My First Blog Post
March 30, 2021
First and foremost, I want to thank absolutely everyone for their
tremendous support which has been amazing and even overwhelming at
I'd like to kickstart this with a very sincere and hugely heartfelt
thank you
I send this to each and every one of my friends, family, everyone of
my fantastic NHS colleagues, all the folk in my Todmorden local
community and lastly but certainly not least my lovely sponsors who
without all of your collective support and encouragement I've received
throughout this past year especially with the excessive covid pandemic
demands on the entire NHS services, it has been your invaluable
support that has kept me motivated to carry on regardless
For those who dont know me from Miss England, I'm a 27 year old
Trainee Doctor working for NHS England
I am currently part way through a six year training program
specialising in phsychiatry Alcohol dependency, Depression, Anxiety
and related mental health conditions
And I'm not afraid to say Ive experienced mental health issues of my
own in the past which assists me greatly in helping to understand how
the stresses and strains of just everyday life can lead some people
down a downward spiral path
Having obtained the help I needed to climb out of a declintion of
mental health I've completed my medical degree at Leeds University and
now as mentioned before - I'm practicing as a junior doctor and
pursing a specialistion in Phsychiatry
If you have a dream in life, a passion follow it!